Microchip 16bit Microcontroller Programming Courses - An overview
The Microchip 16 bit Microcontroller families (PIC24 and dsPIC) are widely used in industrial applications, toys, and lighting control systems to name but a few. They are also widely used in teaching introductory as well as more advanced courses in digital electronics. FTT has been teaching Microchip programming courses for over 15 years and the demand for courses dealing with programming of 16 bit PIC microcontrollers continues. With the development of their new integrated development environment (MPLABX) and a new generation of C compilers for their 8 bit, 16 bit and 32 bit processors families Microchip has provided a consistent development environment that spans the entire range of Microchip microcontrollers. These courses will use MPLABX and the XC16 compiler.
The Microchip 16 bit microcontroller programming curriculum courses cover the currently most required topics which include assembly language programming, basic and advanced C programming, programming USB and programming Wireless applications. We can also provide CAN programming and application development courses if required. Because the dsPIC is designed for DSP programming this curriculum also includes a specific DSP programming module that can serve as either an introduction or refresher to DSP theory and concepts, and to DSP C programming.