8051 Assembly Language Programming
The 8051 Architecture has been around for a very long time. Over the years it has been adapted and improved and has formed the basis of a number of inexpensive 8 bit microcontrollers such as those from Atmel and Silabs. Low energy variants have also been developed for power sensitive applications. Various peripherals have been incoroporated, made accessible, such as e.g. USB, CAN and short distance wireless technologies e.g. Zigbee, Bluetooth. With the growth of the Internet of Things, there is much scope for 8051 based microcontrollers. 8051 based smart sensors are also available and TinyOS, a key framework for AdHoc smart sensors based networking has been ported to the 8051. Powerful low cost development tools are available from Silabs (Keil IDE for 8051 processors) and from Atmel (AT89LP developer studio) for their low power 8051 microcontrollers. IAR and Keil 8051 commercial IDEs are widely used and the 8051 courses can be run using these IDEs as well.
The 8051 programming curriculum courses cover the currently most required topics which include assembly language programming, basic and advanced C programming, programming USB and Wireless applications. In response to inquiries and demand we have also developed an IoT (Internet of Things) 8051 programming course.